Allergist Answers with the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology - Summer 2024

Summer 2024

Is your child with allergies or asthma ready for summer camp?

It takes preparation to get a child with allergies or asthma out the door  to camp. Check out our five tips to make your life easier.

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Summer camp

Keep achoos out of your red, white and blue(s) celebrations

You don’t want allergy and asthma flares in the middle of your  4th of July celebrations. Make sure you stay safe with these suggestions.

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Fourth of July celebration

New law will require planes to carry epinephrine for anaphylaxis

A new law advocated for by ACAAI for many years includes a provision that requires  airlines to include epinephrine in a form specifically intended for treating anaphylaxis in all on-board first aid kits on planes.

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Airplane first aid

If you are set to begin your summer garden, make sure your allergies are covered

If you love to garden, you’ve probably already  started planting. Make sure you’ve prepped by taking needed meds and are wearing a mask to limit allergen exposure.

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Is everyone allergic to bee stings?

Summer means more  stinging insects. Allergist Janna Tuck, MD, explains that not everyone is allergic to bee stings.

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Allergist Janna Tuck, MD
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Woman sneezing
Woman speaking with allergist
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